Take a screenshot or photo of the illustration from Red Dove, Tell Truth to Darkness (below), then:
–color it digitally, or
—print and color with crayons, markers, pens (whatever you like), and email the photo, scan or screenshot to [email protected]
Please be sure to tell us your age category–9 and under, 10-14, or 15-adult. Winners will receive a free copy of Red Dove, Tell Truth to Darkness!
Andrew Bosley, Illustrator
@redd0ve @reddovebook @soniaantaki @redchairpress @lindasixfeathers #indigenousboardingschool #annieoakley #buffalobill #nativeamericanbooks #middlegradebooks #betweenworlds @americanindiancenter @LAIC @gabicoatsworth @andrewbosley #childrensbooks @pequotlibrary